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Pumpkin Omelette

Do you ever have left-over pumpkin and don't know what to do with it? My first tip is to cook it up when you are cooking the rest of it. Don't put it in the fridge to slowly die, unless you already have a plan for it. This gives you options to throw it in to a quick and healthy lunch, like this omelette, or a tasty salad. You can just cut it into cubes and boil it or if you are putting the oven on, roast it. Roasting gives it a lovely caramel flavour which goes well with many dishes.

This omelette was a bit of a random discovery. I had some left-over pumpkin which I mashed up and just added some bits and pieces that I had in the fridge and voila, a delicious omelette, cooked on the sandwich press with baking paper between the top and bottom to reduce cleaning. You don't need to be a chef or any sort of good cook to make this. It's quick and very easy to make.

Next time you have leftover pumpkin, think of this recipe.

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